
搜索"back to you"找到的小说 (P1)

《爱心树》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 寓言

...nd left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came back since then. The tree was again lonely and sad.

《轻狂》 / 于焕之 / 耽美

you know I found the way to get you back.

《Lover》 / 游钓九渊 / 同人衍生

网王[网球王子] - 忍迹(忍足侑士/迹部景吾) 同人衍生 - 动漫同人 - BL
短篇 - 完结 - 小甜饼 - 轻松
I love you to the moon and back.

《忠贞之夜》 / Haibudu_yz / 同人衍生

into those who wish to move forward
and those who wish to go back.
Or you could say, those who wish to keep moving
and those who want to be stopped in their tracks
as by the blazing sword.”

《岁岁与我长相留》 / 祝别来 / 言情

...hells and mixing cocktails for you , and when I woke up , I wanted to swim back to you .
——《情挑六月花 White Palace》

3、专业内容纯属瞎掰 相关机构纯属虚构 切勿当真

内容标签: 青...

《Magician's Nephew》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

...en encounter the evil queen Jadis, who accidently accompanies the children back to England and wrecks havoc on the streets of London. When Polly and Digory finally take the queen away from London, they find themselves lost in a place that will soon be known as Narnia.In this unforgettable story, C.S...

《The Undomestic Goddess》 / Sophie Kinsella / 外国

...ill her old life ever catch up with her? And if it does...will she want it back? A light-as-Tofutti novel you'll devour. ——Glamour

《Bridget Jones's Diary》 / 海伦·菲尔丁 / 英文

... Notting Hill to the paim-and magic-mushroom-kissed shores of...Bridget is back.V.g.If you loved Bridget Jones's Diary, you`ll love this; there is no diminution of the freshness or fun, or of Fielding's underlying intelligence'Mail on Sunday.

