
搜索"bridget jones"找到的小说 (P1)

《Bridget Jones's Diary》 / 海伦·菲尔丁 / 英文

...eSunday TimesThe Wilderness Years anr over! But not for long.At the end of Bridget Jones`s Diary, Bridget hiccuped off into the sunset with man-of-her-dreams Mark Darcy. Now, in The Edge of Reason, she discovers what it is like when you have the man of your dreams actually in your flat and he hasn't...

《歇斯底里(同人)》 / zztopzl / 其他 精品

...,开着救济所;而妹妹 艾米丽(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity Jones饰)则是位大家闺秀。 医院的生意越来越好,却让莫蒂默的手吃不消。因一次手痉挛,莫蒂默没能 让一位顾客得到满意,因此被医生扫地出门。回到朋友埃德蒙(鲁伯...

