
搜索"for a lie"找到的小说 (P1)

《Just lie to you (English Ver.)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

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标签: 現代 / 都會 / 甜文 / 輕鬆 / 輕小說 /

《Just lie to you(2) (English version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

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Translator: Google
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 科幻 / 輕鬆 / 輕小說 /

《Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats》 / 叶芝 / 英文

...rimented with free verse, Yeats was also a master of the traditional verse forms. The impact of modernism on his work can be seen in the increasing abandonment of the more conventionally poetic diction of his early work in favor of the more austere language and more direct approach to his themes tha...

