
搜索"here you are"找到的小说 (P1)

《The Trial》 / TakoHmswth / 同人衍生

... - 盾冬 同人衍生 - 清水 - 短篇 - 完结
BL - 影视同人
"Here, in represent of those who are underrepresented, of those who are marginalized in our society, of those who are entitled to speak up but are exploited from voice, of those who are treated unfairly, of those who become th...

《Magician's Nephew》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

...intended to be the first in his landmark series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Here we are introduced to Polly and Digory, who are tricked by Digory's uncle Andrew into becoming part of an experiment that transports them into the adventure of a lifetime. After being hurled into the Wood Between the Worl...

