
搜索"for give"找到的小说 (P1)

《〔超甜肉!〕欲望挑战〔舔穴〕》 / 是白糖不是红糖 / 耽美

原创 / 男男 / 现代 / 高H / 喜剧 / 轻松 / 青梅竹马
梗源:外网超甜情侣挑战〔Thank you for cleaning my seat~〕

《潮汐蝴蝶》 / 谢长欢 / 同人衍生

推荐阅读bgm:Jessica Karpov - Give You The World

《(古三互攻)Golgotha》 / 即非 / 耽美

...人 / 男男 / 架空 / 微H / 正剧 / H有 / 强攻强受
Mony a one for him makes mane,多少人在哭他,
But nane sall ken where he is gane;却不知他去了何方,
Oer his white banes, when they are bare,不久他只剩下白骨,
The wind sall blaw for evermair.任...

《春夏秋冬》 / 山水郎 / PO18

You are my home for all seasons.

标签: 高H / SM / BG /

《Shuangxiu Health Academy (English version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

Welcome: Double Xiu Health Academy
Please a lot.
Add to Bookcase Collection.
Thanks for the support.
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 甜文 / 輕鬆 / 冒險 /

《Peach Trap(3) (English version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

Welcome to: Peach Trap(3)
Please do more.
Leaving a message.
Add bookcase collection.
Thank you for your support.
Translator: Google
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 科幻 / 輕鬆 / 輕小說 /

《Destiny Action Passionate Night (English Version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

Welcome to: Destiny Action Passionate Night
Please a lot.
Add to Bookcase Collection.
Thanks for the support.
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 科幻 / 冒險 / 輕小說 /

《流火》 / 柘木 / 原创小说

前期市长爱搭不理,只是馋年下攻的身子419(for one night),纯情弟弟惨遭抛弃从此心如止水,后期美人市长幡然醒悟主动献身。

hunger》 / 山水郎 / PO18 玄幻

It’s like a hunger in me,
it’s never ending,
I’ll burn for you.
————Hunger-Ross Copperman
狡猾吸血鬼×神经大条女菩萨|男女主性经验丰富 双非c|1v1he.
标签: BG / 冒險 / 異國 /

《夜星》 / starsandmoons90 / 同人衍生

...irework your dark streets.
For you, I would soup myself in sea
& give up flesh to fill your belly.
What I feel for you
burrows itself in earth.
For you, I would chew gold inscriptions
to soften the stutter in your throat.
What I feel for you
invents the language of softne...

《Dear little Fish / Andre Dahan / 寓言

Dear little fish, I love you soI’ll feed you bread so you will grow.Each day, I’ll give you one sweet kissAnd promise you I’ll never miss!But on the day , my dear little fish,You grow too big for your small dish.

《Give me your candy》 / 海色百合 / 同人衍生

明星[明星] - 悠泰 同人衍生 - 短篇 - 完结 - BL - 真人同人

