
搜索"i make a"找到的小说 (P1)

《make a vow》 / 沈唳 / 同人衍生

原神[原神] - 公钟[达达利亚/钟离] 同人衍生 - BL
短篇 - 完结

《Make a Wish》 / 铃子 / 同人衍生

声优 - 野神 同人衍生 - 轻松 - 小甜饼 - 日常
短篇 - 完结 - BL - 真人同人
01.28 神谷桑4.4岁生日快乐!!

《The Bonesetter's Daughter》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

...s from vanishing as her mind deteriorates.A San Francisco career woman who makes her living by ghostwriting self-help books, Ruth has little idea of her mother's past or true identity. What's more, their relationship has tended to be an angry one. Still, Ruth recognizes the onset of LuLing's decline...

《The Poetry of Maya Angelou》 / 玛雅·盎格鲁 / 英文

Maya Angelou是美国文坛最耀眼的黑人作家和诗人,成名作是一部名为I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings的自传体小说。1993年她在美国总统Bill Clinton的就职仪式上特邀朗诵献诗On the Pulse of the Morning,从而成为美国历史上继Robert Frost之后的官...

《Make love skills for men and women (English version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

Welcome to:Make love skills for men and women
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Translator: Google
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 甜文 / 輕鬆 / 輕小說 /

《心间一点甜》 / 婉之 / 言情

...cially grateful to Miss Lin Jiao for her support and love, your occurrence makes my life more complete.I love you and will you marry me?(我尤其感谢林娇小姐对我的支持与爱,你的出现使我的人生变

《A Light in the Attic》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 英文

The Little Boy and the Old ManSaid the little boy, Sometimes I drop my spoon.Said the old man, I do that too.The little boy whispered, I wet my pants.I do that too, laughed the little old man.Said the little boy, I often cry.The old man nodded, So do I.But worst of all, said the boy, it seemsGrown-u...

《I'm a piano teacher》 / 天使之塵 / PO18

标签: 輕小說 / 不限 /

《【综主咒回】我在东京放高利贷》 / grandia / 精品

...。*Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owls ???【先知说:因此我将恸哭哀嚎,赤脚露体而行;我将如野狗悲啸,如夜枭哀悼。】?——《弥迦书》1:8?排雷:原创主all向苏...

《The English Patient》 / 迈克尔·翁达杰 / 英文

My darling. I'm waiting for you. How long is a day in the dark? Or a week? The fire is gone now. And I'm cold, horribly cold. I really want to drag myself outside but then there'd be the sun. I'm afraid I waste the light on the paintings, and I'm not writing these words. We die. We die,we die rich w...

《可菲的日记》 / 黑洁明 / 言情

背景:现代 台湾

my diary

it”s your love
make me happy and let me smile

if you love me
please don”t hurt me and i will hold you
when you need me

so baby don”t cry……don”t cry……

《Here I love you.》 / 君书珩 / 同人衍生

2020.02.14. A英2020情人节贺文。
香蕉鱼[Banana Fish(战栗杀机)] - A英[Ash(亚修)/英二] 同人衍生 - 动漫同人
BL - 短篇 - 完结 - 日语
旧文搬运,那组银色蔷薇对戒叫做“wild love”,而那张金色蔷薇叫做“...

