
搜索"in to the thrill"找到的小说 (P1)

《Fingersmith》 / 莎拉·沃特斯 / 英文

.... . But no one and nothing is as it seems in this > Dickensian novel of thrills and surprises. The New York Times Book Review has called Sarah Waters a writer of consummate skill and The Seattle Times has praised her work as gripping, astute fiction that feeds the mind and the senses. Fingersmith...

《The Wonderful Wizard of Oz》 / 弗兰克·鲍姆 / 英文

... or to frighten readers into behaving properly. Baum, however, presented a thrilling adventure from a child's point of view, showing the child's ability to solve her own problems and return to the security of her home.The Wonderful Wizard of Oz received praise from critics and readers alike. Critics...

《The Bloody chamber And Other Stories》 / 安吉拉·卡特 / 英文

Published in 1979, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, which received the Cheltenham Festival Literary Prize, retells classic fairy tales. Angela Carter revises Puss-in-Boots and Sleeping Beauty, for example, from an adult, twentieth-century perspective. Her renditions are intended to disturb and ...

《The Call of the Wild》 / Jack London / 英文

...n January12,1876,in san Francisco,California,as John Griffith Chaney.His mother,Flora Wellman,was a teacher and spiritualist,and his father,Willian left them not long after,and Jack took his stepfather''s last name ,London.The family moved to Oakland and ,by the time he was ten,London was an avid re...

《The Poetry of Pablo Neruda》 / 巴勃罗·聂鲁达 / 英文

...904-1973)Pablo Neruda was born in Parall, Chile. He studied in Santiago in the twenties. From 1927 to 1945 he was the Chilean consul in Rangoon, in Java, and then in Barcelona. He joined the Communist Party after the Second World War. Between 1970 and 1973 he served in Allende’s Chilean Government...

《The Bonesetter's Daughter》 / 谭恩美 / 英文

At the beginning of Amy Tan's fourth novel, two packets of papers written in Chinese calligraphy fall into the hands of Ruth Young. One bundle is titled Things I Know Are True and the other, Things I Must Not Forget. The author? That would be the protagonist's mother, LuLing, who has been diagnosed ...

《Magician's Nephew》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

You are about to enter one of the most wonderful places in all of literature: C.S. Lewis' land of Narnia. This is the book that C.S. Lewis intended to be the first in his landmark series, The Chronicles of Narnia. Here we are introduced to Polly and Digory, who are tricked by Digory's uncle Andrew i...

《Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats》 / 叶芝 / 英文

W.B. Yeats is generally considered to be one of the twentieth century's key English-language poets. He can be considered a Symbolist poet in that he used allusive imagery and symbolic structures throughout his career. Yeats chooses words and puts them together so that in addition to a particular mea...

《The Defence of Poetry》 / 菲利普·西德尼 / 英文

Sir Philip Sidney (1554-86) is one of the most important writers of the English Ressaissance. In this book he turns his attention to the status of poetry in England.Defense of Poetry (also known as A Defence of Poesie) — Sidney wrote the Defence before 1583. It is generally believed that he was at...

《The Poetry of Langston Hughes》 / 蓝斯顿·休斯 / 英文

...述人们决心征服艰难。在「称为蓝调的歌曲」(Songs Called the Blues,1941)中,休斯形容这类音乐是「深受打击却打不垮的黑人唱腔」;1958年,在爵士及蓝调音乐家(如:查尔斯明格斯Charles Mingus)的伴奏下,休斯将他的诗作录制出版 ...

《The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt(Excerpt)》 / 威廉·格纳齐诺 / 英文

...uestions as its 46-year-old narrator reflects on broken relationships and other failures, and struggles to come to terms with life.The Shoe Tester of Frankfurt by Wilhelm Genazino, 2004 recipient of the Georg-Büchner-Preis, Germanys highest literary honor, is finally available to English-speaking r...

《Stories of Red Hanrahan》 / 叶芝 / 英文

Hanrahan, that was never long in one place, was back again among the villages that are at the foot of Slieve Echtge, Illeton and Scalp and Ballylee, stopping sometimes in one house and sometimes in another, and finding a welcome in every place for the sake of the old times and of his poetry and his ...

