
搜索"not for me"找到的小说 (P1)

《NOT KISS FOR CURE ME》 / biooo / 同人衍生

coc trpg reply 《达克夏尔的魔女》 - 尼尔索萨 同人衍生 - 其他同人 - BL - 短篇
完结 - OE - 暗恋 - 1v1

《【铁虫】Forget–me–not》 / 沈若至玖 / 耽美


《勿忘我 Forget-Me-Not》 / 玥曦 / 精品

原来所有悲伤,所有遗憾,最终都将在你凝眸深处,融化殆尽   因为遇见你,我逐渐了解,原来每段相遇都有意义。   或许每个人在别人的生命中都只是个过客般的存在,   但是,在此刻我愿意相信,

《RAmen Pray For Me》 / 浪漫搁浅 / 原创小说

原创小说 - 科幻 - 无CP - 短篇

《You said, let me wait for you……》 / 龙哮せ迅狱 / 耽美中文


《Teachers Are Not Humans (English version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

Welcome: Teachers are not people
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Translator: Google
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 甜文 / 輕鬆 / 輕小說 /

《The English Patient》 / 迈克尔·翁达杰 / 英文

...there'd be the sun. I'm afraid I waste the light on the paintings, and I'm not writing these words. We die. We die,we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have...entered and swum up like rivers. Fears we have hidden in ---- like this wretched cave. I want all this mar...

《爱心树》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 寓言

...nd play with me' the tree said. 'I don't have time to play. I have to work for family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?' 'Sorry, but I don't have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.' So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was gl...

《Stories of Red Hanrahan》 / 叶芝 / 英文

... and Scalp and Ballylee, stopping sometimes in one house and sometimes in another, and finding a welcome in every place for the sake of the old times and of his poetry and his learning. There was some silver and some copper money in the little leather bag under his coat, but it was seldom he needed ...

《关于口红和明太子的约定》 / 旅迹行歌 / 同人衍生

...完结 - BL - 动漫同人
旧文搬运,装逼的原标题《Lipstick for you,Pollock roe for me》因为超出字数只好撤下改了,令人十分扼腕。

《The Notebook》 / 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 / 英文

A man with a faded, well-worn notebook open in his lap. A woman experiencing a morning ritual she doesn't understand. Until he begins to read to her. The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. Set amid the austere b...

《不训[DS]》 / 折笔 / 耽美

...矢志不渝的1V1 / HE
"I am a freak."
"You are not a freak. You are the freak, to me."

