
搜索"relativity"找到的小说 (P1)

《Recruiting relatives (English version)》 / 平壹尘 / PO18

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Translator: Google
标签: 現代 / 都會 / 科幻 / 冒險 / 輕小說 /

《[HP同人] HP都是魔法惹的祸》 / Relativity / 精品

[BG同人] 《(HP同人)HP都是魔法惹的祸》作者:Relativity【完结+番外】  文案:  我叫纳斯蒂亚,一个看似平平无奇的英国人  在某年某天,本人被一所名叫霍格沃茨的学校录取了  分院帽拒绝听取我的

《南国的雪》 / 糖糖糖糖糖糖糖分 / 同人衍生

倾世皇妃 - 榴莲汽油 同人衍生 - 影视同人 - BL - 短篇

《And Now, And Here》 / 奥修 / 英文

...notion that death is a calamity, Osho also throws light on the paradoxical relationship between life and death. In addition, the reader is lead through Osho’s specially devised meditation related to the experience of death, techniques to increase awareness and to recall past lives.

《The Countess Cathleen》 / 叶芝 / 英文

...becoming at various points in Yeats’s career a decisive indicator of his relations with his literary and theatrical public, of his changing conception of dramatic form, and of the status of his pursuit of Maud Gonne, for whom the play was written. This volume in the Cornell Yeats reproduces the co...

《Great Days》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

...es, Great Days, is perhaps most notable for the presence of seven formally related dialogues, The Crisis, The Apology, The New Music, Morning, On the Steps of the Conservatory, The Leap, and Great Days, which introduce a new aspect of his work. In these restless, possibility-haunted colloquies, stri...

