
搜索"stealing"找到的小说 (P1)

《好爸爸,坏爸爸Gamble Everything(H)》 / Cari Waites/Lisa Henry / 耽美

标签:中篇,美国,暗黑,BDSM,伪父子,中短篇集《Stealing Innocents》收录 剧情 因为父亲嗜赌成瘾,十八岁少年丹尼从小过着颠沛流离的生活。随着父亲因欠下巨额赌债,最终将丹尼送去给有赌场老板亚彻“打工”抵债时,丹...

《Overnight to Many Different Cities》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

...rview nine people who have been struck by lightning; and a retired messman steals fifty-three mothballed ships from the U.S. government.Like a master magician, working with control and illusion, Barthelme breaks all rules. Manipulating language with irony, humor, and imagination, he captures the ess...

《Bridget Jones's Diary》 / 海伦·菲尔丁 / 英文

...theories and mad advice from Jude and Shazzer, struggling with a boyfriend-stealing ex-friend with thighs like a baby giraffe, and 8ft hole in the living-room wall, a mother obsessed with boiled-egg peelers, and a builder obsessed with large reservoir fish, Bridget embarks on a spiritual epiphany, w...

