
搜索"step to"找到的小说 (P1)

step to you》 / 愤怒少女hana桑 / 耽美

文案:  不求回报的单恋。  开朗的方琥珀爱上了迟钝的书店店员卓耀,准备告白时,却发现对方早已有女朋友,想要一刀两断却做不到最终以好友身份陷入默默守护的单恋。(HE)  内容标签:都市情缘 情有独钟  搜...

《地狱之旅》 / 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 / 侦探 外国

《地狱之旅》(Destination Unknown / So Many Steps to Death),又译作:不明目的地,目的地不明。红发的希拉里女士因为丈夫的背叛,爱女的病逝踏上了寻死的不归路。可幸运的是她却偏偏躲过了飞机失事的厄运。红发的贝特顿夫人因为...

《The Lion, the Witch and the War》 / C·S·刘易斯 / 英文

...ernal winter . . . a country waiting to be set free . . . Four adventurers step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narniaa land enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrific...

《Great Days》 / 唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 / 英文

...related dialogues, The Crisis, The Apology, The New Music, Morning, On the Steps of the Conservatory, The Leap, and Great Days, which introduce a new aspect of his work. In these restless, possibility-haunted colloquies, stripped of everything save voices, changing pairs of women and pairs of men ra...

《[HP]王不见王》 / 渊默 / 都市

5) 背景音乐:two steps from hell的atlantis,虾米音乐有下载。
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