
搜索"you see"找到的小说 (P1)

See you / 且去 / 原创小说

原创小说 - 现代 - BL - 短篇

《I see you / 陆一 / 同人衍生

体育[体育] - 獒龙 同人衍生 - 短篇 - 完结 - BL - 真人同人

《When》 / 谢长欢 / 同人衍生

I ('t) want to see you.
yoi[YURI!!! on ICE] - 尤勇(尤里·普利赛提/胜生勇利) 同人衍生 - 动漫同人 - BL
短篇 - 完结
I want to see you,but l don't want to see you./想见你,又不想见你。

《歌剧魅影之我心永恒》 / 苏夏凉生 / 言情

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime ...
Let me lead you from your solitude ...
Say you need me with you here, beside you ...
anywhere you go, let me go too ...
that's all I ask of u .. (to erik )
Every night in my dreams ...
I see you' ...

《Upgrade升级》 / 言少盐 / 同人衍生

"Can you see me now?"
upgrade - Stem/Eron 同人衍生 - 影视同人 - BL - 短篇
完结 - 欧美 - 人工智能

《爱心树》 / 谢尔·希尔弗斯坦 / 寓言

... time to play. I have to work for family. We need a house for shelter. Can you help me?' 'Sorry, but I don't have a house. But you can chop off my branches to build your house.' So the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy never came ba...

《[综英美]西洋棋与金鱼》 / 乔苜 / 言情

1.本文主神探夏洛克,男主为《Now You See Me(惊天魔盗团)》中四骑士的弟子,精通各种魔术。

《[网王]孤注一掷》 / Toru / 言情

I'm sharing you with memories
I feel it in my heart But I don't show it
Then there's times you look at me
As though I'm all that you can see
Those times I don't believe
It's right I know it
Don't make me promises
Baby you never did know how to keep th...

《【足球】原创女主:carmen》 / Ruriko404 / 精品

...hes having fun,?愚弄所有人,宣告她如何乐在其中,She says, "You dont want to be like me,?她说,“你不会想要成为我这样的人,Dont wanna see all the things Ive seen不会想要看到我所见的一切。”,Im dying, Im dying,?我在腐朽,我在腐朽,She says, "Y...

《我可是正经人》 / 肠胃不适者 / 言情

...眼的白光中,恍然听到了一个悠远而庄严的声音:“I see you!”

《The Notebook》 / 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯 / 英文

... about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever. Set amid the austere beauty of coastal North Carolina in 1946, The Notebook begins with the story of Noah Calhoun, a rural Southerner returned home from World War II. Noah, thirty-one, is restoring a plantation h...

《My Name is Red》 / 奥尔罕·帕慕克 / 英文

You slew a man and then fell out with one another concerning him. —Koran, The Cow. The blind and the seeing are not equal. —Koran, The Creator. To God belongs the East and the West.Unlike many of his characters, Orhan Pamuk has never lived beyond the city where he was born, but in a city like ...

